22 Panels - A Comic Book Podcast

22 Panels Episode 2 Great Responsibility

Season 1 Episode 2

Today the dynamic duo of comics derail for just a bit to give their two cents on a hot social issue.  Be sure to comment and subscribe!

This Week in Comics- Continued delivery issues, so many books DIDN’T come out this week

3 Amazing New Books:

                From Tyler

  1. Chicken Devil #2, Brian Buccellato, Hayden Sherman, AfterShock
  2. Primordial #3, Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino, Image
  3. X-Force #25, Benjamin Percy, Robert Gill, Marvel 

Bonus Link: 

Wolverine: The Long Night Podcast

                From Tad

  1. Radio Apocalypse #1, Ram V/Anand RK, Vault 
  2. Ginseng Roots #9, Craig Thompson, Uncivilized 
  3. We Only Kill Each Other #1, Stephanie Phillips/Peter Krause, Comixology 

Great Responsibility:

Window into Tad's convoluted mind:
A discussion (/guided monologue) of current events, tunnel vision, black & white thinking, how it relates to comics, and whether comics can be part of the cure.

Suggested Reading:

  1. Constitution Illustrated, R. Sikoryak, Drawn & Quarterly
  2. Economics In Wonderland by Robert Reich, Fantagraphics
  3. Economix, Michael Goodwin, Dan E. Burr
  4. Logicomix, Apostolas Doxiadis, Christos H. Papadimitriou, Alecos Papadatos
  5. Action Philosophers, Action Presidents, Comic Book History of Comics, Fred Van Lente, Ryan Dunlavey
  6. The Silence of Our Friends, March, Run, Save It For Later, Nate Powell
  7. Good Talk, Mira Jacob
  8. Understanding Comics, Scott McCloud
  9. The Nib
  10. World Citizen Comics, :01 First Second

3 Books We Hope Will Be Spectacular:

From Tyler

  1. X-Men Legends, Vol. 1, Marvel 
  2. Vinyl #6, Doug Wagner, Dave Stewart, Image
  3. Symbiote Spider-Man Crossroads #5, Peter David, Greg Land
From Tad

  1. That Texas Blood #12 Chris Condon/Jacob Phillips, Image
  2. Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters #8, Chris & Laura Samnee, Oni

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